Tips to corner better on your motorcycle

How to choose the correct line for a corner

A “cornering line” is the path you follow around a corner. Riding a narrow, single-track vehicle means we are able to select the left, center or right positions within the lane. The basic cornering line – Outside – Inside -Outside Outside: To follow the basic cornering line a motorcyclist begins the curve from the outside…

Motorcycle Cornering Series (Entry Speed)

Episode 14 starts a motorcycle cornering series. This episode focusses on one of the fundamentals for cornering a motorcycle from the slow, look, press and roll technique. In this episode we look at motorcycle entry speed for corners, define entry speed and give you on bike techniques to help you make corners smoother and more…

Motorcycle cornering explained

Have you ever thought about how a motorcycle gets around a corner? This week we talk about motorcycle turns, the dynamics of motorcycle cornering and how to counter steer your motorcycle. The more you understand about how your inputs effect the handling of the motorcycle the better position you will be in to master those…