The brake and escape technique involves two techniques that we have already covered here at MCrider. In episode 10 we covered Emergency Braking and in episode 18 we talked about Swerving on a motorcycle. Make sure and watch those two episodes again for a better understanding of the braking and swerving involved in this technique.
This is a more advanced level exercise, it should be performed by a rider who is comfortable on their motorcycle and should not be practiced alone.
The brake and escape is a training exercise in which you approach an obstacle first scrubbing speed off with threshold braking and then using a swerve to avoid an obstacle in your path. Think of riding down the highway and needing to stop to avoid a hazard, after scrubbing off speed you swerve to avoid the obstacle and the potential threat of traffic coming from behind.
Some important things to remember when performing this exercise:
* Never grab the front brake, a slow progressive squeeze on the front brake achieves emergency braking. See episode 10
* Make sure and separate your braking from your swerve. If you are braking during the swerve there is a high likelihood of losing traction and causing a crash.
* When first learning this technique your speeds should be slow around 20MPH. Gradually increase speed as you gain skill but never performing above 40MPH Shirts are now available!