Why is the motorcycle safety course just the beginning? In episode 8 of MCrider I make a case for more training. Training on a motorcycle saved me from an accident. Years ago I learned to stop quickly in a curve at a Basic Riding Course in Ft. Worth, TX. The skills I learned that day were not enough when I needed them about 15 years later. It was not enough that I learned this skill one time in a BRC, it only helped because I trained and practiced the technique often after learning it.
If the only training you have ever received or worse, no formal training, you are one unexpected incident away from an accident. Subscribe to MCrider's newsletter with the form at the bottom of this page, subscribe on YouTube and follow us on Facebook. My goal is to provide weekly skills that you can learn to help make you a better rider. Next week's episode we will discuss two techniques that you can use to stop a motorcycle quickly in a curve.
Go to a local motorcycle safety class, you will be amazed how much you can learn even if you have been riding a motorcycle for a long time.